Tuesday, April 20, 2010

The Waiting Is The Hardest Part

Approximately 8,000 students state wide know this feeling of limbo all to well as they anxiously wait to find out their admission status into CSU campuses for this fall.

The Daily 49er reported that this is due to the extreme budget cuts that the CSU and UC systems have endured over the past year. Both systems continue to scramble to find lifeboats, lifejackets, driftwood - anything to cling to as they go down with this sinking ship that is the California budget. One method being implemented is the wait-listing of thousands of students state wide for the fall semester of 2010.

CSULB already has more than 3,000 students expecting to transfer this fall, reports the Daily 49er, but most will have to wait until the summer before finding out whether they will be spending their fall at The Beach. Their fate teeters on Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger's already shaky academic budget proposal for the 2010-11 school year. Campuses plan to only admit as many students as state funds will allow, but the amount the universities will receive from the budget still remains unclear.

Schwarzenegger's budget plans to restore $305 million to the CSU system with an additional $60.6 million possibly coming from federal aid to help campuses increase enrollment. Yet, the proposal is likely to face adversity in the state Legislature during an election year.

The Daily 49er reports that both the CSUs and UCs plan to notify wait-listed students starting the first of June, until then the waiting game continues.

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