Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Alexander Urges Students to Take a Stand

Cal State Long Beach President F. King Alexander recently discussed the problems facing higher education in the wake of California's budget woes at the College of Business Administration's Notable Speaker series last Tuesday night. With recent increases in tuition costs and a decline in the accessibility to state universities, Alexander claims that California is failing in its plan for higher education.

The Daily 49er reports that Alexander advised students to become involved in the fight against the budget cuts by researching the subject to gain an understanding of the problems at hand. Though the battle between the state and the CSU system is complicated and messy, Alexander believes it is vital for students to put forth an educated effort to mitigate the situation. Students have the power to make their voices heard and the opportunity to hold the state and federal government accountable, Alexander said, counseling the students to assume leadership roles to help build back the economy.

Students are easy targets for the state legislators says Alexander, because they are expected to lie dormant during the fury of budget cuts. Yet, Alexander urged the students and other members of the CSU community to act now, as the problem will only intensify if nothing is done soon.

Students will have an opportunity to take such action as a part of the March 4th Strike and Day of Action To Defend Public Education. The rally will start at the South Campus upper quad at noon at CSULB. There will be an aerial photograph taken at 12:15 pm and a parade beginning at one. Students are also encouraged to join the "Long Beach Unite for Education" rally taking place at 4 pm at Wilson High School. This day will be an opportunity for the CSULB community to get involved in the fight for education by making our voices heard.

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