Tuesday, March 2, 2010

CSULB's Budget Outlook Announced

CSULB will continue with its original planning assumptions for the 2010-11 school year.

The Governor's January budget proposal was not as grim for the CSU system as was expected, though it brings about many uncertainties to the campus budget problem. The plan proposes some restoration funding for the CSU, restoring $305 million of the $571 million that was reduced in 2009-2010. There could also be a possible $60.6 million restoration, which relies on additional federal funding. This proposal is not guaranteed as it still has to go through legislature, where it could face some adversity. The plan proposes significant cuts in health and welfare which may not survive the legislative process, and with it being an election year, much of the state Legislature may not want to stick their necks out to clean up the education budget. If these proposals survive, they will help to alleviate budget cuts and enrollment reduction but the budget problem will be far from over.

With these uncertainties in mind, CSULB will continue with its original planning assumptions for 2010-11. One strategy to help manage the budget will be a reduction in enrollment. This will reduce available class sections which will increase the problems with high-demand courses. Even in the most negative budget scenario, fall admissions at CSULB can remain at the same level as the prior year but the campus is planning to be closed to transfers for the spring 2011 semester. The bottom line is that enrollment at CSULB will decline year to year even in the most positive scenario.

The campus is working with many contingencies as the budget will not likely be finalized until September or October. CSULB is dealing with many unknowns, but one thing is certain, even with the help of Schwarzenegger's proposal it will still face budget cuts for the 2010-11 school year.

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